Transportation Public Relations
Transportation is one of the most expansive sectors of travel and tourism PR because of its multiplicity of components. Among them are passenger railroads such as Amtrak, rental car companies, recreation vehicles, and motor coach companies. But the two most dominant components at this time are the airlines and the cruise ship lines. Since the start of the new millennium the former— particularly the long-established carriers—have been severely battered by the effects of new terrorism threats and other factors, while cruise ship lines have become one of the fastest-growing travel and tourism transportation modes
Airline PR
Airlines were the principal transportation mode for the 40.4 million foreign travelers to the United States in 2003. And that same year, airlines accounted for 16 percent of the total domestic U.S. person-trips. Despite this dominance and the record number of air travelers at the beginning of the new millennium, the airline industry was hard hit by the deadly terrorism attacks against the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. By 2004, passenger traffic had returned to the pre-9/11 levels, but airline revenues did not similarly rebound in the interim, owing to the onset of several new factors.
Internal PR Staffing and Organization
Typical legacy carrier headquarters PR department staff functions are aligned with their primary audiences. The size of media relations staffs can vary from three to ten, depending on the size of the company, mainly because of the inordinate number of daily press inquiries (one major airline reported a range of 30–40 inquiries on a normal day, versus 80–90 if a particular issue is raging that day). When they are not “putting out fires” these staffers are engaged in normal publicity activities and crisis planning, implementing special promotional campaigns Visit The Site: hdnewspagal
Of all the travel and tourism sectors, the practice of PR in the airline industry is perhaps the most far-reaching. For example, airline headquarters PR staffs are among the largest, they use a wide range of PR tools, they target a vast number of media outlets and audiences, they communicate a greater variety of messages, and their crisis communication plans are some of the most comprehensive and sophisticated Read More About: easysolution24
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