
Protecting Bushes and Shrubs in Winter

It’s that time of year when the leaves are changing colors and the temperatures are dropping. While winter can be a beautiful season, it can also be harsh on plants. In order to keep your bushes and shrubs healthy over the winter months, you need to take proactive steps to protect them from the cold.  

This guide will provide you with all the information you need to properly prepare your plants for winter and revive them afterwards. Check out this post from a lawn care company in Illinois for more tips on how to care for your bushes.  

How to Prepare Plants for Winter 

The best way to protect your plants in winter is by preparing them ahead of time. Here are some tips for making sure your plants are ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at them this winter: 

  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast. If a hard freeze is expected, cover up any delicate plants with a sheet or blanket so they don’t suffer too much damage from the cold temperatures. 
  • Water your plants regularly throughout the fall months so they have enough moisture stored up for when temperatures drop below freezing.  
  • Protect young trees from heavy snowfall by tying branches back so they don’t bend or break under its weight.  
  • Apply mulch around shrubs and perennials before the ground freezes to help insulate their roots and retain moisture in the soil.  
  • Prune back dead or dying branches to prevent disease from spreading during cold weather.   

Which Bushes Are Most Resistant To Cold Weather? 

When selecting bushes for your garden, look for varieties that are known for their winter hardiness such as junipers, hollies, boxwood, barberry, burning bush, viburnums, yews and rosemary. These types of bushes tend to tolerate cold weather better than others and will come through winters unscathed while other less-hardy varieties may suffer damage or even die off completely if not properly cared for during colder months.  

How To Revive Plants After Winter 

If you take good care of your plants throughout winter, they should come out unscathed once spring arrives. However, if you notice any signs of distress after the last frost has passed (i.e., wilting leaves or discolored stems), there are still ways you can revive them with minimal effort:

  • Remove any protective covers used during cold weather and check for signs of damage such as broken branches or dried out leaves. Cut away any affected parts immediately so disease doesn’t spread further throughout your plant life.   
  • Fertilize heavily in springtime using a fertilizer specifically designed for outdoor plants (follow package instructions carefully!). This will help replenish nutrients lost during winter dormancy and give your bushes and shrubs a boost when new growth begins sprouting again in warmer months ahead!     
  • Provide additional water if needed; this is especially important if there was little rainfall over winter months as dry soil can stunt new growth if left unchecked too long!    
  • Prune away dead wood; this will help stimulate new growth while ensuring that only healthy foliage remains on bush/shrubs going forward!     

Better Bushes For All!

Now that you know how to prepare bushes and shrubs for winter as well as how to revive them after it passes, it’s time to get started! Taking proactive steps now will ensure that your beloved bushes will come out strong even after enduring cold weather conditions later on down the line! With proper research into which varieties best suit your needs as well as diligent maintenance during both summer and winter seasons alike—you’ll have no problem keeping your garden looking beautiful year-round!


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